Hello from GUIDE!

Hello from GUIDE!

Since this is our first blog post we thought it would be best to give you a little insight on how and why we are here. GUIDE was born from our individual journeys of self discovery and growth. What we discovered for ourselves in the transformation process was so profound we wanted to share it with as many people as possible.

We believe transformation is possible for anyone willing to take the journey and we are committed expanding access to growth through GUIDE.

In late 2017, we began sharing in a daily practice that would become the framework for GUIDE. By engaging in the simple practice of self-reflection, sharing intentions, and attaching specific actions, we both saw transformation move from our internal to our external lives.

In April 2018 we began building the cornerstone of the GUIDE brand, The GUIDE App. The app is a vehicle to empower people to build lives they love by encouraging a daily practice of self- reflection, setting intentions, and taking new action all within a supportive, authentic community. We believe that most programs for personal change and transformation lack the proper support for success including integration into daily life, habit formation and adequate community support. We recognize that results come from creating new awareness and incorporating new actions and routines related to this awareness. The main GUIDE interface will encourage users to define their purpose, life vision, and specific goals and make those a reality through a daily practice. Sharing their daily practice of action, reflection, and commitment in community with one another and practitioners, users can create accountability, support, encouragement, and new realizations. A diverse media library will empower users to access, create, and share resources to aid themselves and others in their development and our system will keep track of progress and trends to allow users to see their growth.

We are committed to inspiring others to build lives they love. GUIDE provides the key structures to support growth including clarity of purpose, commitment to a daily practice, and a supportive community, which empowers users to transform their lives.

Join us on the journey to transformation! Sign up to receive updates about our upcoming launch.
Your Partners in Transformation, Pat and Alison